Today the weather epitomized fall- sunny and blue skies, slight breeze, and a bit chilly. It stayed around the 50s-60s today and I loved every second of it. On campus I feel that it’s hard to dress for fall because in the morning you want to layer up and then by the afternoon you are blazing hot. That was the case for today because I wore a sweater, jacket, jeans, and boots- typical fall clothes but ones that heat up too quickly. I’ve come up with the perfect combination of warm and comfy clothes that will keep you warm in the morning but comfortable in the warmer hours of the day. I call this my fall campus outfit.
This week feels a lot more like fall because it’s homecoming week at school! Sadly the leaves haven’t changed yet, but at least a bit of tradition is in the air at Furman. The campus is decorated with the homecoming theme- which is Land before Furman. Banners, flags, and more line the dining hall, library, and sidewalks. I have a few friends participating in a fundraiser competition called HAVOC, where they sleep in a tent for a week and raise money for a charity. I have been watching their competitions and seeing them around campus. I’ve also been spending a bit more time in the library because next week at school I have my “four letter bad word place” week. Everyone has that week at least once every month or so, and I’ve been treading this week since my last one back in September. However, this week is even worse! I have a research paper, Bible exam, French oral exam (yikes!), biology exam, and a couple assignments thrown in the mix. No worries though- I’m currently in the library getting some stuff done (right now I’m taking a study break to write this post!)
This week I have also been sick, which has sadly put me in my room most of the week as I barely get sleep at night while I’m sick. I would love to be out and strolling around campus in the balmy weather, but maybe by the end of the week things will be better.
My midterm grades came out this week as well, and I am thrilled! College has been an adjustment from highschool in the sense that I have no clue what my grades are in my classes because not all my professors put grades online. So I had an idea of the grades in my classes, but I definitely doubted myself. My grades were above and beyond what I expected and I hope to keep up the good work the rest of the semester (and of course the rest of my college career!)
I’ve also been enjoying my time with friends. This past weekend I went out to eat with a couple friends and then we stayed in my room for a couple hours and talked about the most random things. I also had my friend and hallmate Jennah take some blog pics for me (thanks girl!!) and then we spur of the moment decided to head to Downtown Greenville for the Fall for Furman festival.
Extracurriclars have been picking up. I help out with prospective students by giving lunches and hosting overnights, but this weekend we had a major admissions event, so I got to talk to several prospective students and families. I also have been attending the sorority pop-in sessions which are part of our “informal” rush. Rush isn’t until January, but I’ve had such a good time meeting many girls from several of the sororities on campus! Last night I got to attend a training session for working at the animal shelter, so I am excited to add that on to my list of activities as well.
I hope you all enjoyed this brief glimpse into my week as I prepare for our homecoming weekend (and hopefully more blog pictures). I am so sad that the leaves have not changed in South Carolina yet, but fingers cross that happens by this weekend so my insta feed can turn into a fall wonderland! Have a fantastic week my friends!
As always,
So cute, Madison! I have a really similar vest that I got from Target and now I have another way to style it!
Lauren //
Thank you! I absolutely love this vest- I've had it for several years now and I wear it all fall and winter long!