Hello everyone!!
I just wanted to hop on the blog and give y’all a bit of a life update. I feel that the blog has definitely taken the back-burner recently and I really want to produce more content, but life is crazy right now! This semester is much busier than last semester- I joined a sorority, I’m in the interview process to be a tour guide, and my classes are a bit harder than last semester. School comes first over the blog, so if I am ever absent from posting frequently, know that I wish I could post but other things are more important. I also just feel overall more stressed this semester, which doesn’t help with all the other things I have going on!
Time to stop complaining, I know, so now I’ll let you know more about my semester (the good parts!)
I am taking French conversation, a psychology class on aging, a religion history class, and intro to music. Some of these classes are general education so they don’t relate to my major, which is why it’s kinda a crazy combination. Each week for my sorority I have new member meetings and lunch dates with sisters, so I have been meeting lots of great people and learning about Tri Delta. I also have my first sorority function coming up soon, so I’m getting super excited for that! I also have been working out much more and leaning towards healthier foods in the dining hall and my room. I love using the AMT machine (a cross between the elliptical and stair master) because it feels like you are skipping! So fun! For entertainment I have been enjoying The Bachelor (I watch it while I workout on Tuesdays!) and Riverdale (I watch that on Thursdays!). The Olympics is here, so I hope to watch some of that this weekend and throughout the next few weeks.
This week is Big/Little week which is so so exciting!! I cannot wait to start wearing Tri-Delta gear around campus. The reveal is Saturday morning and I am excitingly counting down those days! On top of Big/Little week, tomorrow I have a 2 hour interview, a new member meeting, and Tuesday I have a big psych test! So stress abounds me this weekend- but come Wednesday things should calm down. Let’s just say you won’t be seeing any posts on Tuesday!
Spring break will be here before we know it and with that I hope to bring more spring filled content (kinda running out of winter outfits over here, ya know?). I also would like to incorporate a bit more of my life into the blog as well which a lot of you seem to be interested in when I have done polls on Twitter or Insta stories with blog content questions. I am excited to share my fitness routine, what I eat to stay healthy in college, managing stress in college, and many more posts very soon. With a new season also brings new clothing, so maybe I’ll start posting about upcoming trends and spring clothes I’m eyeing. What would you all like to see on the blog?
This outfit was from a couple weekends ago when I visited Asheville with my mom. I have been cherishing times spent away from school (even just at a restaurant off campus!) and with my family. It also gave me a great location for photos! I loved pairing my Ivy Staple polka dot vest with other pieces, as it really spruces up an outfit. The outfit ended up looking very equestrian, with the ponytail, pixie pants, and riding boots. I liked the vibes and thought you all would enjoy this ensemble as well!
That’s all for today’s post! If you have any requests for posts coming up on the blog, leave those below and I will write them down! I have a lot of ideas (several from you all!) for the blog, but sometimes it takes a couple months to get those ideas into fruition. I love to hear from you all so leave me a comment and I’ll respond!
vest // sweater // button up // pants // boots // bow
As always,
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