Hey friends!
Can you believe Saturday has arrived once again? Honestly the weeks are flying by for me as the end of my senior year approaches. I have mixed feelings about graduating- I am happy to be done with school work for the time being, but of course sad to say goodbye to college and my friends. But that’s life, right? On to bigger and better things! Anyways, today I whipped up a few items I’ve either purchased or seen recently online. I truly only shop online these days, one because I hate trying on clothes and two because I have about a million tabs open when online shopping so I just rack up my cart quickly. That’s honestly a bad thing because then I go way over budget, but I gotta find some joy these days!
As always, you can click on the product image directly to see it online. There are a lot of dresses in this graphic, mainly because I prefer wearing dresses in the spring and summer over shorts and skirts. Also there is just a ton of cute floral and patterned dresses right now so how could I keep that from you?
Hope y’all have a great weekend!
*DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I receive a small commission anytime you purchase through me. This comes at no extra cost to you!