So August is already over. How did that happen? Around this time of year I start getting all introspective about how life is fleeting and the years seem to pass by slow while you’re in them but then when you think about it for a second, they pass by way too quickly. I know everyone and their mother is going wild for PSLs, spooky vibes, and chunky sweaters, but frankly it is way too hot for me to pull out my fall clothes just yet. So for now, I am still getting use out of my summer wardrobe until the temps drop below 80.
With the passing of another month, it’s time for my favorites from the month and my Q+A. You can see my July Favorites post here. August was a big month for me- I moved to Savannah just last week for grad school, so I’m trying to settle into my official post-college life. I gotta admit, it feels a little lonely. I haven’t started school yet or my job (I’m working at Kendra Scott here on my days off from class!), so I don’t really know anyone. I’m also not in a routine at all which is hard for me, but I have to remind myself that this will all change in about a week and a half. In the meantime, I’ve been working on my blog, trying out new cafes and restaurants (getting take out because I don’t know where to eat by myself yet haha!), and I also tried out the Cyclebar franchise here! It’s just a huge adjustment not having any roommates or living at home, so I need to remind myself to make friends, call my family and friends frequently, and also enjoy solitude. Anyways, let’s get into the favorites and a Q+A for more Savannah + grad school details!

// august favorites //
Gold New Balances: OGs of the blog will know I used to wear these ALL the time during freshman and sophomore year of college. I took them abroad with me to France but I literally trashed them because I wore them so often. Well it looks like J.Crew has restocked these beauties! They have a great padding to them without being too chunky. I like the beige color with gold accents. They aren’t too glaringly white so it’s easy to wear them all year round. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a pair of fashion/everyday sneakers under $100!
YSL Mon Paris Perfume: I saw a Tik Tok (isn’t that how all my sentences start out these days) on perfume suggestions. There was one recommend this YSL Mon Paris instead of the Good Chemistry Queen Bee (which is my go-to). I love the Queen Bee, but I wanted to try another perfume. I wear different perfumes depending on my mood. I didn’t like how it smelled when I first tried it, but I bought the roller ball so I could try it again. I actually really like it. It has sort of a patchouli undertone but it’s still sweet. Definitely try it out first in store before purchasing, as it is on the pricier side.
Pink Chinoiserie Robe: I’ve been loving my Victoria Dunn Chinoiserie robe! I wear it to add a touch of glamour to my morning and nighttime routine. It’s light weight so you don’t get hot wearing it while blow drying your hair. These come in a ton of colors and it seems like Victoria is constantly putting out new varieties. Def check out if you’re looking for a robe!
Pink Retro Toaster: So I literally bought this a few days ago but I am obsessed with my pink retro toaster! I mean how cute! It came in a day from Amazon. If pink isn’t your vibe the toaster comes in several more colors.
SuperGoop Glow Screen: I tried out SuperGood Glow Green back in August and haven’t stopped using it! I use sunscreen as both my moisturizer and sun protection in the morning because my skin feels oily throughout the day. This Glow Screen doesn’t have a super strong sun screen smell, and it’s lightweight so it doesn’t feel heavy like many sunscreens (I’m talking to you CeraVe daily sunscreen moisturizer).
Makeup Eraser: I’ve been trying to be more sustainable in my daily routine, and a no-brainer step for me was switching a reusable makeup eraser with cotton rounds. I am loving the MakeupEraser (I bought the 7 day pack, but you can also get the full size like I linked here). You can use this with water or with micellar water, and the makeup just swipes right off!
Diva Glamorous Wash: My mom received a sample of the Tyler Glamorous Wash in the “Diva” scent from a friend, and we are both obsessed. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, the Tyler Glamorous Wash is a “luxury” laundry detergent that smells like heaven. There is an entire line of products and other scents, but it seems like the Diva detergent is a popular choice among many. You use just the tiniest amount in your washer and your clothes, linens, and towels will smell heavenly!
Cap Toe Heels: I am always sharing about these cap-toe heels on the blog, but as we head into fall I have been grabbing these much more.
Tortoiseshell Clutch: I have had this clutch for a while, but I shared it with an outfit on Instagram the other day and y’all went nuts! This is the perfect clutch for any occasion. I use it to go to dinner, to add a small handbag to a casual outfit, and even when I go out to bars. It’s a great piece!
Last Letter from Your Lover Movie: My mom and I watched this movie the other night and I am OBSESSED. It is an adaption of the novel by the same name (which I didn’t know about until after I watched the movie, but I would recommend reading the book first). It is a 1960s dream with two love stories intertwined. It shifts timelines between early 2000s and 1960s as a journalist uncovers some lost love letters. The fashion is incredible in the movie, and the story is just lovely too! It’s on Netflix if you want to watch it!!
// questions and answers //
Tell us more about your school/your degree!
- So I’m attending Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) for a Master’s of Fine Arts in Luxury and Fashion Management. For a shorter explanation, the program is basically like an MBA for Luxury brands. To dive deeper into what the program is, read the next paragraph!
- Part of the LXFM program is examining global finance, learning about strategic decision making, understanding and creating marketing plans, and analyzing products, merchandising, etc. This program basically prepares me to work in the luxury sector (think luxury fashion, accessories, travel/hospitality, alcohol, cars, fragrance, beauty, etc.). I will be taking a variety of business-oriented classes, but also fashion classes like marketing, merchandising, and other electives. I would love to tell y’all more once I have gotten more into my program! I am so excited to start school on the 13th!
- For this semester, I will be taking Fashion Promotion, Financial Analysis, and a Visual/Creative Narrative Course. These classes are more general and are stepping stones for the more in-depth LXFM classes. These classes last 10 weeks, so I’ll be done right before Thanksgiving and have about a month long break (I don’t the second semester until the beginning of January!)
What do you miss about Tennessee?
I’m always super sad to leave my favorite restaurants, coffee shops, and of course my family. Tennessee just has a special air to it that you really can’t find anywhere else. While I haven’t been to the mountains in a while, anyone who has been or lives in East Tennessee will immediately recognize that the mountains sort of cradle east Tennessee. They are very comforting to me, and I am also very aware when I am living somewhere that doesn’t have mountains near me. So that’s something I will definitely be missing as I am away.
What is one thing you want to do in Savannah?
There are a ton of restaurants I want to try (I am a big foodie if you can’t tell). I also want to explore the Historic District and Forsyth Park area more (especially to scout out some good spots for blog photos). I’m not a big beach girl, but I am excited to hit Tybee Island before it gets too cold! I am about 30 minutes away, so I hope to go sometime soon.
What are you looking forward to about SCAD?
Networking and meeting people with similar career interests! It’s kinda hard to explain to people exactly what I want to do, as I think many people hear about the fashion industry or the luxury sector and think I’ll be some fashion designer or some crazy rich CEO. I really just want to have a niche career in PR/Marketing in the luxury sector. This program is great for that, and I am excited to meet people with similar career interests. I am hoping that this program sets me up well for stellar internships and a future career I love.
What are you looking forward to most about fall?
The weather cooling off! Anyone who lives in the south knows that August is one of the worst months of the year weather-wise. It is sweltering hot. I think it’ll take a little longer for the weather to cool off here than back home, but I cannot wait to feel a fall breeze. I also LOVE fall fashion. Plaid skirts, tights, boots, layered sweaters, berets- it’s just my fave! I am not sure when I’ll get that cool weather in Savannah, but I am excited to dress the part regardless!
Favorite fashion item you’ve recently bought?
I’ve mostly been buying dresses this summer because of how hot it is and because they are way more comfortable than shorts and pants. I really love the dress I bought from new designer Victoria Dunn earlier this summer, as well as my polo dress from Anthropologie (It was the last one available so I can’t find it anywhere!).

That’s it for today! Thank you for reading- it seems blogs are becoming less and less popular so I greatly appreciate all of you who spend the time reading (and shopping) my posts!
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