diptyque candle // choose a scent you think they’d love!
goop beauty chapstick // $20, high quality chapstick in a metal case! love this!
Estelle colored coupe glasses // 30% off through Monday
spanx lounge set // 20% off
navy reusable makeup erasers // 30% off through Monday, personalizable
feather pajama set // 30% off through Monday
le labo rose perfume // clean, thoughtful fragrance
silk scarf // 15% off this weekend
caudalie beauty elixir spray // great under $50 option
diva laundry detergent // every luxury girl needs this laundry detergent
ouai hair and body oil // under $30 option!
le labo shampoo and conditioner // I used this at a hotel in Ireland and will never buy normal shampoo again. I have this on my Christmas list it’s incredible
Sarah flint shoes // use code SARAHFLINT-BAMADISOND to save
I’m a luxury sweater // discounted through November 30
*This post contains affiliate links